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2021 Reading Challenge
Unabridged Podcast
Find out everything you need to know about our 2021 reading challenge here! Don't forget to use our hashtag, #unabridgedpodreadingchallenge!
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Sign up to subscribe to our site and to get notifications each time we post. This will also sign you up for our newsletter. If you'd rather ONLY get our newsletters, you can sign up here. BOTH options should result in a welcome email with access to our amazing 2021 READING TRACKER, which includes a tab for the reading challenge! (Just message us if you don't receive it!)
More about our reading challenge journeys can be found in these episodes and blog posts. (Click the images to access the show notes, where you can also listen.) *Note that we will continue adding to this throughout 2021 to help you with ideas for each category!*
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